
Ik had eindelijk het lef om Andri Magnason te benaderen, hij van het boek ‘On Time and Water’ dat ik aan de Eemlandse polder heb voorgelezen. Ik wil ‘Polderfluisteraar’ gaan uitwerken naar iets tentoon-stel-baars, nu ‘Hooiland’ zo goed als af is.

Email sent 20=06=2024

permission request for use of quotes from ‘of time and water’ in a work of art

Dear mr Magnason,

I am a visual artist doing a PhD research trajectory at LUCA School of Art: Valery de Smedt from LUCA gave me your email address, so I can contact you with a question.

I read and was inspired by your book ‘On Time and Water’. Furthermore, I was moved to translate some quotes into Dutch so that I could read them aloud to a Dutch polder. This is the Eemland polder north of Utrecht. 

Eemland is one of the areas I am researching for my PhD. The area was shaped by glaciers in the last Ice Age, which is an immediate link with your book. And it is under threat of sea level rising caused by melting glaciers, another immediate link. In order to warn the polder of what is coming, I read twelve quotes from your book – about half a page size each – aloud to it in the summer of 2023, in the persona of a ‘Polder Whisperer’. 

I am now preparing material from these small performances for exhibition. My idea is to have a map of Eemland, some photos taken during the performances, and qr codes that link to sound files where people can hear me quote from ‘Of Time and Water’.

The performances themselves did not infringe on your copyright, I don’t think, as only the Eemland Polder heard me quote your book and the words were carried away by the wind. But I would not use these same quotes in an exhibition without your permission, as the quotes will now be aimed at people. 

So this is my question: would you allow me to incorporate quotes from your book in my work?

Warm regards, 

Everdien Breken 
mrs E.C.Breken MA Msc

En dit was zijn antwoord:

Dear Everdien

Great to hear from you – of course you can read it for the Polder!
The book is available in Dutch – so translations are already available
published by De Geus

send me info about the project when it is realised –
with all the best from the far north of iceland

Andri Snær

Good to go, dus. Nu de fluisteringen opnemen als sound files, en online plaatsen. Dan een kaart maken waarop Eemland, de plekken waar ik fluisterde en qr codes. Die kaar aan de wand hangen, of op een tafel plaatsen? Dat laatste met flessenpost? Ntbp wat staat voor ‘ik weet het nog niet’.